Wonder Women

One night there was a loud noise in the city.Ant Man broke into the museum and tried to steal the powerful jewel and ran away.The alarms started going off and then I was there to fight some crime.I stopped Ant Man with my music guitar to get the jewel back.My music guitar plays music and is really strong.It will blow you away.”I win”,said Wonder Women.”I beat you and you will never get the jewel back.Try again ,I will be ready for you.Wonder Women will fight crime and win again.The End

Wonder Women# Kayla 

My journey West

If I was moving West I would bring cattle drive,and Lewis and Clark.I would be a pioneer and bring some pioneers with me.When I move West I am going to build a log cabin so I have some were to sleep.I will try my best not to get sick,because my people need me .We will go down the oregon trail and I can not wait any longer.I will be working hard and not giving up any dream that I have.I will make my own healing cear,so if I get sick I will have something to help me.

United states 1789-1815

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Lewis and Clark